Automatic Property Viewing Feedback by SMS

04.08.21 12:01 PM Comment(s)
Many estate agents are tired of chasing applicants for feedback after a viewing – it’s a manual task that no one wants to spend too much of their time doing, which is why we’re so pleased to offer agents our interactive workflow that does the work for you with Rezi Premium!

Rezi Premium, one of our estate agency software packages, allows agents to automatically request and receive feedback following a viewing of a property, right from within their CRM.
Automated Viewing Feedback

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Trusted by users of our estate agency software 

One of our many happy customers using the automated property viewing feedback is Bayzos Estate Agents, who use the workflow every single day in their business. 

As part of our estate agency software offering, this viewing feedback automation can help you take your business to the next level, and give you an advantage over your competitors. 

Here’s the full testimonial from Bayzos Estate Agents: 

How does it work?

So, how does the property viewing feedback automation work within our estate agency CRM software?

Viewing Feedback in Rezi estate agency software

Requesting SMS viewing feedback using automated workflows

Agents can use Rezi Premium to set up an interactive workflow to request viewing feedback by SMS with a customisable message from your agents. 

You are able to set your workflow to ask for viewing feedback whenever you choose, two hours after a viewing has finished or 48 hours after, it’s completely up to you and what suits your estate agency.

The workflow can even check whether feedback has been taken or not, and if it has not, it will automatically send a text message to the viewer asking for their comments. The viewer simply responds via SMS with the message then pulled into the Rezi CRM, with all relevant agents being notified. 

It’s simple: 
  • The workflow sends a text message to the  prospective buyer asking for feedback (if they haven’t already given it), once a viewing is complete – the time delay is up to you!
  • The viewer responds via text
  • This feedback is pulled into the CRM
  • Relevant negotiators are notified via pop-up and within the notification centre within Rezi

Requesting SMS viewing feedback using automated workflows

Requesting feedback is just the initial part of the process – receiving the comments of the prospective buyer is what’s important.

As mentioned, the applicant can submit their feedback simply by responding via SMS. This text message will come straight into your Rezi real estate agency CRM software, with a pop-up notifying all relevant negotiators.

Let your CRM system do the work for you – it’s what Rezi Premium is built to do!
iPhone Automated Property Viewing Feedback

Why is viewing feedback important?

Viewing feedback has many purposes. It can: 
  • Help you determine whether the asking price is positioned correctly in the market
  • Improve customer service
  • Provide an indication of whether the viewer will be putting an offer in or would like an additional viewing
  • Help identify comments that could lead to a sale
Property viewing feedback is important to estate agents for many different reasons – and why you ask for it will probably differ between each agency. However, what all agents agree on is that requesting and receiving viewing feedback automatically within Rezi Premium makes their jobs a whole lot easier. 

Book a Rezi Premium demo today and see it for yourself!