8 Essential Email Marketing Tips for Estate Agents

03.09.24 01:30 PM Comment(s)

In the competitive property market, email marketing remains a powerful tool for estate agents to engage with clients. It also offers the opportunity to build personal relationships with a large number of new and existing contacts without the complex algorithms of social media sites.

Here are 8 essential email marketing tips for estate agents to optimise their strategies, generate leads and win more instructions.

1. Build a quality email list

Focus on building a targeted email list of existing and potential clients who have shown interest in your services.

Email lists allow for direct engagement with contacts, keeping them up to date, improving customer loyalty and increasing sales.

Keeping your name fresh in people’s minds is key. Email marketing is a great way to keep your audience engaged and keep you at the forefront of their minds for when they are ready to move again. Why not create a weekly/monthly newsletter providing useful information such as general local news or market developments that could impact their property value?

Make it easy for people to sign up, too. People are busy; they’re not going to bother signing up if it takes more than a couple of simple steps.

2. Segment your audience

A well-segmented mailing list allows you to send more personalised content. This will ensure that your emails reach the right audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

For example, people who bought a home from you seven years ago are likely to be thinking about moving again soon. Make sure you’re fresh in their mind with a targeted email campaign.

Showing your readers that you understand and meet their specific needs is a fantastic way to build trust, creating a local customer base.

Segment your email list based on criteria such as location, property interests and buying stage. 

3. Personalise your emails

Creating personalised emails for individual recipients is a brilliant way to nurture a strong relationship with your customers (and potential customers).

Personalisation goes beyond simply using the recipient's name, however. To win the edge over your competitors you should be tailoring the content of your emails to match their preferences and needs. Use data from previous interactions to send relevant property listings, market updates, tips, etc.

Take it a step further by adding your own name, along with your job title and a photo to every email. It can be comforting to know who you are talking to when receiving emails, as many people are cautious of scams.

4. Optimise for mobile devices

These days most people have access to their emails on their mobile phones and will check them while on-the-go. Ensure your marketing emails are mobile-friendly with responsive design, easy-to-read text and clickable buttons. Avoid making the content too long, too! No one wants to scroll endlessly to get to the information they need.

5. Craft compelling subject lines

Your subject line is the first thing recipients see, so make sure you get it right. Keep it short, intriguing, and relevant to entice people to open and engage with the email. For example, most customers are looking for things that will help make their lives easier. So, a subject line that promises to be useful and informative, without sounding ‘spammy’ or ‘salesy’, can certainly increase click-through rates! 

6. Use clear call to action (CTAs)

Every email should have a clear and compelling CTA. Whether you want people to schedule a viewing, download a guide, or contact you for more information, make sure the CTA stands out and is easy to follow.

Top tip: buttons with rounded corners tend to get more clicks!

7. Test and analyse performance

Using analytics features can help you understand your audience and analyse the performance of your strategy. 

These tools measure various metrics, including open rates, click-through rates and conversions.

You can then use these metrics to adapt your strategy and test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, main body text and CTAs to determine what works best with your audience.

Tracking engagement rates, for example, enables you to send out specific types of follow-ups. This could be something as simple as calling a client that bought a home from you 5 years ago who recently clicked on your article about downsizing and what pitfalls to avoid.

8. Automate Your Campaigns

Manually writing and scheduling emails is time-consuming. Utilising email marketing automation tools enables you to streamline your campaigns and save you valuable time and resources.

With Dezrez’s innovative Post feature you can do exactly that! Automatically send marketing emails to applicants, prospective clients and solicitors on behalf of your agency.

You can set up automated workflows for new subscribers, follow-up emails after property viewings, or nurture campaigns for long-term prospects.

You won’t be limited to the default wording in Post documents, either, you can edit the document or scrap and replace the content with copied and pasted information from your own documents.

Your logo and contact details will be on all correspondence, too, showing this communication is from you, not a third party.

By implementing these email marketing tips, you can build stronger relationships with your audience, increase engagement, and drive more instructions.

Ready to enhance your email marketing efforts? Contact us today to learn more or click the link below to book a demo.